ARC Cloud

provides supply-chain level data exchange without
compromising the on-premises level reliability.
ARC Cloud marries strong site management
features with the capability to coordinate multiple
supply chain partners in the cloud platform.

Creating an industry leading flexible,
Key features
Site Management
Level 3 functionality that covers novel features like flexible order and line management as well as machine statistics accessible directly from the cloud, as well as logistics and shipment control for the warehouse
Network Management
Level 4 & 5 management tying your sites, ERP, product data exchange partners legal reporting destinations together with workflows. Provides central serial number repository and product management
Process Info Centralization
Help and reference center to tie your knowledge base, compliance documentation, status report and alerts for a clear global overview
Strategic Reporting and Analytics
Site reporting, Overall Equipment Effectiveness assessment, measurement of your resources against the best-practice goals
Connectivity to Mobile Devices and Workstations
Management of aggregation devices, salesforce operations and customer-centric applications directly from the cloud, allowing facility- independent operations and visibility across the supply chain up to the end user

Take a step into a
more secure future
As an innovation leader, we provide our customers with transparent security every day. Contact us to learn more about advanco’s solutions for regulated track and trace.